Answers to frequently asked questions are provided below.
Why was Proctorio selected?
Proctoring options have been requested by some faculty members and administrators. Proctoring services that use live proctors (such as ProctorU) have not been able to keep up with overwhelming demand brought on by remote teaching. While there is no perfect proctoring solution to address academic misconduct, Proctorio is among the more secure and reliable technologies in the marketplace. In addition, OSU was able to centrally fund Proctorio to ensure there is no direct cost to students who use it.
Does Proctorio work with paper exams or exams that allow open notes?
Proctorio reports are most effective and meaningful for exams that are 100% online, and do not require outside resources. When students look away from the screen, Proctorio cannot capture what students are looking at and the reports will become less useful. Instructors should read the requirements and limitations before using Proctorio. For exams that are paper-based or have hand-written components, consider setting up a separate assignment to collect handwritten work outside of the remote proctoring session.
I give students an equation sheet or other approved resources. How would students access these during a Proctorio exam?
Depending on the size of the approved resource, a faculty member could embed it directly into the Canvas quiz or provide a link to the resource within the quiz and set their Proctorio settings to allow in-quiz links.
Who has access to students’ recordings?
Only instructors and teaching assistants in the Canvas course site have access to recordings. Proctorio information is stored with zero-knowledge encryption, which means the data is encrypted both in transit and in storage. It is impossible for anyone at Proctorio or any of its affiliates to view exam recordings.
What should I do if I suspect academic misconduct on an exam that uses Proctorio?
Follow OSU's established process for submitting an incident report to your College Hearing Officer.
What are my options if a student says they do not have a functioning webcam?
There are a couple of options: students who do not have a working webcam/microphone can be assigned to a separate version of the Canvas exam with modified Proctorio settings (no audio/video recording), or you can use the Moderate this Quiz setting in Canvas to exempt the student from the Proctorio proctoring. If you're teaching an Ecampus course, please contact the Ecampus Testing Team.
Does Proctorio integrate with Top Hat or Gradescope?
Proctorio integrates with Top Hat, but it is not allowed at this time because students must pay to use Proctorio in Top Hat.
Proctorio integration with the Online Exam type in Gradescope is currently being evaluated. When Proctorio becomes integrated with Gradescope it could be used (again, at no additional cost to students) with Gradescope's Online Exams. Faculty can also use Respondus lockdown browser in Gradescope Online Exams at no additional cost. If you would like to learn more, please contact the OSU Canvas team.
Is Proctorio secure?
Yes. Proctorio possesses satisfactory ISO 27001 certification and passed a SOC 2 audit. They use appropriate encryption for data at rest and in transit, which meets OSU security standards and requirements. The OSU Security Office has no record of major data breaches involving Proctorio.
Who can I ask if I have questions about implementing Proctorio?
To get started with Proctorio, please visit the Ecampus faculty website for Ecampus courses or reach out to the OSU Canvas team for all other courses.
Is there an FAQ for students that I can share with my class?
Yes, please see our Proctorio Q & A for Students